I was able to get a copy of the latest BCSC edition (2022-2023)! Thanks to the AAO and the privilege of serving on the Practicing Ophthalmologists Advisory Committee for Education! I’ll be going through each book and providing some commentary.
Book Review: Make It Stick
4 Tips to Prep for OKAP with the BCSC
I wrote a test-prep article for the AAO for their YO (young ophthalmologists) column last year discussing some ways to prepare for the OKAP using the BCSC textbooks. As you’re looking for different resources to study for your exams, these tips may be helpful!
2019-2020 BCSC Reading Schedule
I just received my copy of the new BCSC textbooks and have updated the reading schedule! You can download it for free here.
Studying After Failing A Test
I’ve been humbled by the many people who have had the courage to contact me over the past few years to ask my advice on preparing for various exams. I don’t claim to be an expert at the various exams, but I do want to help my fellow colleagues succeed in any way possible, and if this website helps more people fare better on their tests and also become better ophthalmologists, that’s great.
Clinical Optics Made Easy
I recently received a copy of a new optics textbook out called Clinical Optics Made Easy, by Dr. Michael Wiggins. Check out my review of the book here and consider adding this to your library!