Oral Board Exam: Content Outline
The ABO provides a lot of useful information on their website about the oral board exam, including a video demonstrating some sample cases, as well as a practice question. They've recently provided a content outline that provides some general organization for the information tested.
While there are some resources out there to study for the oral board exam, there really are only a few (which I've discussed in a previous article). So, I've decided to provide a very loosely-suggested content outline in case you're trying to figure out what conditions to study for the oral board exam.
As I was thinking about how I would come up with this list of topics, I realized that I should probably explain my rationale for the list, as well as offer suggestions for creating your own list. So before I share my content list (which I will release by section so that the articles don't get super long), here is my introduction for what conditions to include on this study list. But first, the disclaimers!
Although I've personally taken the oral board exam once, I am not intentionally reproducing any of the questions from memory. Part of the reason why I'm documenting my rationale for the content list is to demonstrate that my method is systematic and logical; any similarity to the actual oral board exam is completely coincidental.
Additionally, this list will likely include topics that have been listed or published in proprietary works. While I am using multiple sources as my reference material (which has and will continue to be cited as appropriate), I am not intentionally listing only material covered by any particular source in an attempt to reproduce its content. Because the subject matter in ophthalmology is finite and specific, most likely most or all of the topics in any particular source will be listed. However, I will be applying my personal organization and classification to this list. Any similarity to existing lists is coincidental.
Finally, while I will be fairly systematic in my approach to determining the appropriate subjects to include in my content outline, this is not going to be a comprehensive list. Since I do not have any actual knowledge about what is going to be on the oral board exam for any given test period, it is very possible for you to be tested on some findings that I did not include in my list. Feel free to use the outline as a starting point for your own list.
As a final disclosure, I do not write questions for any of the official assessment exams. I am a member of the AAO Resident Self-Assessment Task Force, which is geared towards helping to develop better self-assessment tools for residents. But because I do not actually know what is going to be on the oral board exam (I wouldn't be able to work on this site if I did), take everything I put in the outline with a grain of salt - I chose these conditions using the criteria I listed in the Introduction, but there is no guarantee that this list is comprehensive or all-inclusive.
How I Created This List
I used several criteria when I was making this list. In addition to using the various textbooks I've collected over the years, I also wanted to think through what types of questions I would think are "testable." So here are the different criteria I used for making my list (it'll probably look similar to how I think up practice multiple choice questions):
Common conditions. As you might suspect, you should probably know how to manage common ophthalmic conditions. As far as I can tell, there are no trick questions - the oral board exam seems to genuinely be trying to assess how well we can think through issues we would most likely see in a comprehensive ophthalmology practice. That's both good (you don't have to bother memorizing minutiae about a particular disease's genetic structure) and bad (if you don't remember how to manage a chalazion when you're on the spot, it might be a bit embarrassing...).
Life-threatening or sight-threatening conditions. Another question that the oral board exam is trying to answer is, "are you likely going to miss anything bad?" After all, it does no good to recognize the pathology of follicular conjunctivitis but misdiagnose the underlying cause (follicular conjunctivitis is probably not that great of an example). Having a systematic approach to determining your DDx and structuring your management plan accordingly can be very helpful.
Conditions with many images. I hope I'm not overstating the obvious that the oral board exam is very image-intensive. Most prompts will be accompanied by at least 1 image, and often there are follow-up ancillary tests and neuroimaging. If there are many different things we do to evaluate a particular condition, I added it to the list.
Multidisciplinary conditions. Because you're expected to manage patients of all subspecialties of ophthalmology, conditions that may typically involve multiple subspecialties, like retina + glaucoma, etc. are also conditions I wanted to include. I'm sure that there are also plenty of less complicated cases to work through, but I figured that if I could manage complicated cases, I could talk through the simpler ones too. Ophthalmology also has some overlap with different aspects of general medicine and neurology, so knowing when and who to refer to appropriately is important to discuss (like referring to rheumatology for certain uveitic conditions, referral to neurology in MS or myasthenia gravis, etc.)
Characteristic physical findings. There are some basic exam findings that you have to be able to recognize, such as follicular conjunctivitis or stromal keratitis where you are likely expected to be able to think through the differential diagnosis.
Sequelae and surgical complications. Since ophthalmology is a heavily surgical specialty, it's important to be able to manage any and all surgical complications. Additionally, it's important to be able to manage sequelae of different eye diseases, knowing when it's appropriate to manage conditions medically and when to manage them surgically.
Suggestions For Making Your Own Content Outline
Perhaps, when you take a look at my outline, you'll want to create your own outline. I would encourage you to, at the very least, adapt what's been made and make it your own. Here are some suggestions on how you might go about figuring out your own content outline (in case you're wondering how to get started):
Look at some pre-made resources. In addition to the outline I will post here, there are several other books and apps that can be helpful in starting your list. Consider looking at resources specific for the oral board exam, or more general resources (such as these websites) for starters.
Make your list large and broad initially, then cut stuff out as you go. It's easier to start comprehensively and shrink a list (it is for me anyways). I think it'd be much harder to try to think up new topics to add to a partially complete list.
Start organized. One of the fascinating things about studying is that all of us remember things slightly differently; while there may be some general similarities in how we categorize diseases, it might be sorted in our minds differently. I think it's easier to start with some organization rather than collecting the cases first - but that's just me.
Recognize what you're strong at and what you're weak at. This one is pretty obvious, but definitely spend more time studying the cases you're not as comfortable with.
The optics questions are less calculation-based, more conceptual-based. So while you might have to do some basic math (like calculating spherical equivalents or contact lens stuff), it will be fairly simple on the math side. On your list of questions, be sure to include more conceptual optics questions.
What do you think about my rationale? Do you have an outline that you would like to share? Feel free to contact us!
Anterior Segment Of The Eye
Anterior Segment Trauma
Acute hyphema
Intraocular foreign body
Blunt trauma
Vossius ring
Traumatic cataract
Open globe
Angle closure glaucomas
Primary angle closure glaucoma
Acute angle closure glaucoma
Plateau iris
Secondary angle closure glaucoma
Neovascular glaucoma
Phacomorphic glaucoma
Drug-induced angle closure glaucoma
Iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome
Epithelial downgrowth
Aqueous misdirection syndrome
Open angle glaucomas
Primary open angle glaucoma
Glaucoma suspect
Ocular hypertension
Normal tension glaucoma
Secondary open angle glaucomas
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Pigmentary dispersion syndrome
Uveitic glaucoma
Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis
Glaucomatocyclitic crisis (Posner-Schlossman syndrome)
Increased episcleral venous pressure
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Arterovenous fistula
Thyroid eye disease
Orbital varix
Retrobulbar tumor
Lens-induced glaucoma
Phacolytic glaucoma
Phacoantigenic glaucoma
Lens particle glaucoma
Post-traumatic glaucoma
Angle recession glaucoma
Ghost cell glaucoma
Hemolytic glaucoma
UGH syndrome
Steroid-induced glaucoma
Schwartz-Matsuo syndrome
Surgical management of glaucoma and surgical complications
Ocular hypotony
Aqueous shunts
Laser trabeculoplasty
Goniotomy and trabeculotomy
Anterior Uveitis (Iridocyclitis)
Acute anterior uveitis
Herpetic iridocyclitis
Chronic anterior uveitis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis
Iris Diseases
Iris coloboma
Iris melanoma
Iris nevus
Congenital lens abnormalities
Congenital lamellar and polar cataracts
Weill-Marchesani syndrome
Rubella-associated cataract
Lowe syndrome
Ectopia lentis
Metabolic cataracts
Diabetic cataracts
Galactosemia oil-droplet cataracts
Myotonic dystrophy “christmas tree” cataracts
Wilson disease “sunflower” cataracts
Age-related cataracts
Other causes of cataracts (e.g., secondary PSC cataracts)
Preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative considerations
External Disease and Adnexa
Eyelids and Face
Eyelid trauma
Non-neoplastic eyelid lesions
Eyelid neoplasms
Squamous papilloma
Seborrheic keratosis
Actinic keratosis
Eyelid nevus
Nevus of Ota
Capillary hemangioma
Port wine stain (nevus flammeus)
Pyogenic granuloma
Plexiform neurofibroma
Basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid
Squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid
Sebaceous cell carcinoma of the eyelid
Melanoma of the eyelid
Eyelash Disorders
Allergic Disorders
Atopic dermatitis
Contact dermatitis
Molluscum contagiosum
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
Angular blepharitis
Ocular rosacea
Preseptal cellulitis
Floppy eyelid syndrome
Lacrimal System
Workup of epiphora
Punctal stenosis
Canalicular obstruction
Acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Lacrimal system infections
Allergic conjunctivitis
Follicular conjunctivitis
Papillary conjunctivitis
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
Contact lens conjunctivitis
Bacterial conjunctivitis
Acute bacterial conjunctivitis
Adult chlamydial conjunctivitis
Other conjunctivitis
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
Ligneous conjunctivitis
Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome
Conjunctival degenerations
Pyogenic granuloma
Conjunctival neoplasias
Conjunctival squamous papilloma
Benign acquired melanosis
Ocular melanocytosis
Conjunctival nevus
Epibulbar dermoid
Conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia
Primary acquired melanosis
Conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma
Conjunctival melanoma
Conjunctival lymphoma
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Conjunctival surgery
Pterygium surgery
Corneal trauma
Thermal injury
Alkali burns
Acid burns
Corneal foreign body
Corneal abrasion
Corneal penetrating/perforating injury
Dry eye syndrome
Infectious keratitis
Bacterial keratitis
Viral keratitis
Herpes simplex keratitis
Herpes zoster keratitis
Fungal keratitis
Acanthamoeba keratitis
Infectious crystalline keratopathy
Noninfectious keratopathy
Inflammatory keratitis
Marginal keratitis
Mooren ulcer
Peripheral ulcerative keratopathy
Thygeson superficial punctate keratitis
Interstitial keratitis
Congenital syphilis
Herpes simplex stromal keratitis
Cogan syndrome
Neurotrophic keratopathy
Exposure keratopathy
Terrien marginal degeneration
Filamentary keratopathy
Recurrent corneal epithelial erosion
Xerophthalmia/vitamin A deficiency
Calcific band keratopathy
Wilson’s disease (copper deposition)
Corneal verticillata
Corneal ectasias
Pellucid marginal degeneration
Corneal dystrophies
Anterior basement membrane dystrophy
Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy
Corneal neoplasias
Corneal intraepithelial neoplasia
Corneal squamous cell carcinoma
Corneal surgery
Corneal transplants
Penetrating keratoplasty
Lamellar keratoplasty
Endothelial keratoplasty
Other corneal surgery
Superficial keratectomy
Phototherapeutic keratectomy
Post-surgical corneal complications
Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy
“Phaco burn”
Descemet detachment
Blue sclera
Afferent Disease
Optic Neuropathies
Optic neuritis
Optic nerve sheath meningioma
Optic nerve glioma
Optic nerve hypoplasia
Optic nerve pit
Morning glory anomaly
Optic atrophy
Chiasmal disease
Pituitary adenoma
Retrochiasmal disease
Transient Visual Loss
Amaurosis fugax
Migraine auras
Efferent Disease
Horner’s syndrome
Adie’s tonic pupil
Supranuclear and internuclear causes of diplopia
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
One and a half syndrome
Eight and a half syndrome
Cranial nerve palsies
3rd nerve palsy
4th nerve palsy
6th nerve palsy
Bell’s palsy (7th nerve palsy)
Orbital apex syndrome
Myasthenia gravis
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) and Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Aberrant regeneration syndromes
Dorsal midbrain syndrome
Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm
Orbital Disease
Arteriovenous fistulas
Orbital floor fractures
Blow-out fractures
Retrobulbar hemorrhage
Infectious Orbital Diseases
Preseptal cellulitis
Orbital cellulitis
Inflammatory Orbital Diseases
Thyroid eye disease
Orbital Inflammatory Syndrome
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
Neoplastic Orbital Diseases
Vascular Tumors
Capillary hemangioma
Cavernous hemangioma
Mesenchymal Tumors
Lymphoproliferative Tumors
Orbital lymphoma
Lacrimal Gland Tumors
Pleomorphic adenoma
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Metastatic Tumors
Breast cancer
Orbital surgery
Management of anophthalmic socket
Optics, Visual Physiology and Correction of Refractive ERrors
Accommodative amplitude and how to calculate it
Things that affect accommodation
Causes of irregular astigmatism
Prisms in clinical practice
Visual Physiology
Correction of Refractive Errors
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Types of amblyopia
Management of amblyopia
Evaluation of vision in children
Evaluation of decreased vision in children
Pediatric orbital and eyelid disorders
Blepharophimosis syndrome
Pediatric inflammatory and infectious diseases
Congenital rubella syndrome
Congenital syphilis
Ophthalmia neonatorum
Pediatric lacrimal system disorders
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Pediatric corneal disorders
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
Peters anomaly
Pediatric iris disorders
Iris coloboma
Juvenile xanthogranuloma
Pediatric glaucoma
Pediatric cataracts
Pediatric uveitis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Pediatric retinal and choroidal disorders
Early-onset retinal disease
Persistent fetal vasculature
Retinopathy of prematurity
Coats disease
Leber’s congenital amaurosis
Hereditary retinal dystrophies
Stargardt’s disease
Best vitelliform dystrophy
Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)
Combined hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium
Childhood nystagmus
Congenital motor and sensory nystagmus
Periodic alternating nystagmus
Latent nystagmus
Spasmus nutans
Systemic syndromes
Goldenhar syndrome
Neurofibromatosis type 1
Neurofibromatosis type 2
Tuberous sclerosis
von Hippel-Lindau disease
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Incontinentia pigmenti
Wyburn-Mason syndrome
Crouzon syndrome
Apert syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Pediatric trauma
Shaken baby syndrome
Management of ocular trauma in children
Techniques for evaluating strabismus
Calculating AC/A ratio
Adaptive mechanisms for strabismus in children and adults
Congenital/Infantile esotropia
Accommodative esotropia
Divergence insufficiency
Intermittent exotropia
Infantile exotropia
Convergence insufficiency
Special forms of strabismus
Duane syndrome
Brown syndrome
Strabismus surgery
Complications with anesthesia
Oculocardiac reflex
Malignant hyperthermia
Posterior Segment of the Eye
Intermediate uveitis
Posterior uveitis
Susac syndrome
Acute retinal necrosis
Progressive outer retinal necrosis
CMV retinitis
Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
Sympathetic ophthalmia
Behçet disease
Lyme disease
Post-surgical endophthalmitis
Endogenous endophthalmitis
Fungal endophthalmitis
Bacterial endophthalmitis
Masquerade syndromes
Primary CNS lymphoma
Management of uveitis
Ocular manifestations of AIDS
Posterior vitreous detachment
Prepapillary vascular loops
Persistent fetal vasculature
Vitreous hemorrhage
Epiretinal membrane
Macular hole
Retina and Choroid
Choroidal neovascularization
Age-related macular degeneration
Pathologic myopia
Angioid streaks
Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
Choroidal disease
Central serous chorioretinopathy
Uveal effusion syndrome
Retinal vascular disease
Diabetic retinopathy
Hypertensive retinopathy
Sickle cell retinopathy
Peripheral retinal neovascularization
Branch retinal vein occlusion
Central retinal vein occlusion
Branch retinal artery occlusion
Central retinal artery occlusion
Ocular ischemic syndrome
Coats disease
Parafoveal retinal telangiectasia
Retinal arterial macroaneurysms
Radiation retinopathy
Valsalva retinopathy
Purtcher and Purtcher-like retinopathy
Terson syndrome
Retinopathy of prematurity
Retinal cavernous hemangioma
Hereditary Retinal and Choroidal Dystrophies
Retinitis pigmentosa
Gyrate atrophy
Toxic Retinopathies
Hydroxychloroquine retinopathy
Retinal Detachment and PRedisposing Lesions
Retinal break
Retinal dialysis
Atrophic hole
Lattice degeneration
Vitreoretinal tufts
Paving-stone degeneration
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Serous (exudative) retinal detachment
Tractional retinal detachment
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy