When learning about orbital anatomy, the dimensions are one of the many aspects you need to know extremely well. As you've probably seen in many texts, stats about the volume, height, width, and depth are almost always listed.
While the actual numbers are pretty easy to remember - they go up by 5 (25, 30, 35, 40, 45), but remember what those numbers correspond to tends to be harder to remember. On top of that, the numbers listed are approximations; race and sex affect these average measurements, and the dimensions change with trauma and surgery.
Since there are multiple ways to organize this information, it's important to find a method or strategy that will work for you. If you have any suggestions or tips on how to remember these dimensions, please let us know!
Orbital Dimensions (1-3)
I included the method I used to remember each orbital dimension. I realize some of them are lame, and may be hard to explain. Please help us improve the quality of this section if you have any other suggestions for how to remember these important numbers!
Orbital Dimension
Interorbital Distance
25 mm
30 cc
35 mm
40 mm
40-45 mm
Memory Tip(s)
"25 between the eyes"
35 mm camera (two fingers representing height looks like holding an imaginary camera)
References and Additional Reading
- Chapter 1: Orbit and Ocular Adnexa. In: Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 2: Fundamentals and Principles of Ophthalmology, 2010-2011 Edition. American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2010.
- Sherman DD, Burkat CN, Lemke BN. Chapter 21: Orbital Anatomy and Its Clinical Applications. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA. Duane’s Ophthalmology on CD-ROM, 2006 Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Online.
- Petruzzelli GJ. Orbit Anatomy. Medscape. Online. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/835021-overview.
- Ozgen A, Ariyurek M. Normative Measurements of Orbital Structures Using CT. AJR. 1998; 170:1093-1096.
- Turvey TA, Golden BA. Orbital Anatomy for the Surgeon. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2012; 24(4): 525–536.
- Kaur J, Yadav S, Singh Z. Orbital dimensions- A direct measurement study using dry skulls. J Acad Indus Res. 2012; 1(6): 293-295.
- Abed SF, Shams P, Shen S, Adds PJ, Uddin JM. A cadaveric study of the morphometric and geometric relationships of the orbital apex. Orbit. 2011; 30(2): 72-6. doi: 10.3109/01676830.2010.538126. Epub 2011 Feb 3.
- Cohen AJ. Oculoplastic and orbital surgery. Ophthalmol Clin North Am. 2006; 19(2): 257-67.
- McQueen CT, DiRuggiero DC, Campbell JP, Shockley WW. Orbital osteology: a study of the surgical landmarks. Laryngoscope. 1995; 105(8 Pt 1): 783-8.