
If I Had To Learn Ophthalmology From The Beginning Again...

  • I would start with a topic outline

  • I would create a realistic study schedule flexible enough to allow for adjustments

  • I would study several subjects at once instead of focusing on one topic at a time

  • I would utilize practice questions to test my previous knowledge and highlight areas of focus

  • I would utilize mnemonics and other memory tools to help remember details better

  • I would read, create, and review in short bursts instead of cramming in long sessions

  • I would devise quick reviews throughout the workday instead of trying to do it all at the end of the day

  • I would set aside time at the end of each day to reflect on the patients I saw to consider useful learning points and areas of study

  • I would use textbooks as references for study instead of reading them over and over again

  • I would create useful flashcards to review throughout the day

  • I would gamify my learning to celebrate incremental gains in knowledge

(originally posted by me on Twitter)

Conditions Associated With Congenital Nystagmus: The 4 A's

There are many different eye conditions that are associated with congenital nystagmus; theoretically, any bilateral visually-significant pathology present at birth or in infancy during the critical period of visual development may interfere with the development of stable fixation (1)  Eventually I'll get around to discussing the finer points of nystagmus; but for now, I'm sticking to some basic study stuff.

Orbital Roof

The orbital roof separates the orbit from the anterior cranial fossa, which houses the frontal lobes of the brain.  There are several structures and features regarding the orbital roof that we need to remember.  While this article will try to list most of the important features of the orbital roof, it is by no means comprehensive.

Orbital Bones

There are 7 bones that comprise the orbit.  It is our job as ophthalmologists to be able to readily identify these bones and know pretty much every bump, notch, hole, and contour of these bones and what structures pass through, travel along, and attach to these bones.